Welcome to My Life

Hello friends, family, and followers,

It has been a busy season for me and I have let a few things go in the process of gaining order and routine in other areas of my life.   Blogging was set to the side as well as some other projects that I personally enjoy.

What have we been up to?


Schooling has been going pretty consistently over all.  Still following the Robinson Curriculum approach.  The boys (12 & 8) have really transitioned to self-led learning for the most part.  The 3rd grader still needs some prompting at times, but his attitude (I hate school) has had a turn around.  So after a year and a half of balking school, now he gets it done and shrugs about it, “eh, it’s easy”.  Go figure.


The fun part of parenting and homeschooling for so long, is that everything comes easier from tried and true experience.  In enters Preschool fun, Tot School, and some Baby Love.  We have a few preschoolers, 2 Tots, and 2 babies.  All but one is part time, so getting a doable “schooling” routine down for them all has taught me some more flexibility.  Some of the kids are three days a week, one is half days only, another is here for only two days a week but for 14 hour days.  Most have been with me for a couple of years now and are getting ready for “Kindergarten lessons” as they will have another year with me while turning 5 this fall/winter.    Now that I don’t have any littles of my own, and the grandkid potential is still out, I am thrilled to love on these Little Friends of mine!!


So last fall I became determined to strive for health and fitness.  It has been a learning curve to try to set aside time for myself.  Fitness takes time.  It has been filled with ups, downs, and plenty of plateaus.  I am down 22 lbs as of Oct 31.  I have a long ways to go to get to a healthier me, but I’m embracing the journey.  Frankly, I am surprised at how much emotional health has to be addressed in the process of all this.


I have a few writing projects on hold.  One I’ve been intentionally avoiding as God keeps persisting on it, and two others are in the works.  I am also opening myself up (mentally preparing) that speaking to an audience may also be on God’s agenda.  I’ll be letting you know how that unfolds.


Bless this man who has provided much for his family in ways beyond monetary means.  Faith, respect, integrity, fellowship, guidance… He’s such a rock in our family.  Not perfect.  None of us are; yet faithful to serve his family in hard work and dedication to provide for us always.  He’s worked hard labor for decades, runs a home-based business (The Good Life), always finds time (and energy) for his kids, and continues to love me through all my flaws.


I have 6 kids (of my own).
More if I want to include teens that have lived with us in the past.

Bryson (3rd grade, the youngest) has transitioned a lot this year.  Finally out of “being the baby” mode, and is stepping up to be more helpful.  Loves documentaries; specifically anything space related.  Tends to be a sports fan like his older brothers, although he has not really expressed an interest in actually playing any sports.  He does like to work out in the garage with me, so that’s been fun!

Andrew (5th grade) has really matured this year.  He steps up to help out when needed, gets his school work done without asking (most times), has been incredibly patient with his younger brother, loves reading to the preschoolers, enjoys drawing his own comic stories.

Katie-girl (Freshman) is back at dance after a 2 year hiatus while working on some severe food sensitivity issues.  It’s good to see her back in her element.
She still has a ridiculous amount of hobbies and interests (crocheting, knitting, sewing, drawing, foreign language, make up and hair specialties, fashion, photography, etc)  As long as she gets her core school work done, she’s free to explore self-led interests as she wishes.

TJ (20 next week) works full time, helps teach at Sunday School, helps coach a local soccer team with his two older brothers, and seems to be the go-to brother when someone needs help with something.  We also call him “the baby whisperer” as he scoops up a baby when gets home from work.  They love him!

Nick (23) is getting married in June.  Woo hoo, it’s about time.  They’ve been dating 5 years now, and his fiance, Kailynn, has been a part of our family all this time.  She finished college, got her degree last year, and finally they set a date!  He’s a fire inspector, and currently coaches soccer with his brothers.

Joe (28) is happily married to such a lovely young lady.  They have bought a house.  He currently got his dream truck, and they like to do some traveling.  No grandbabies…. yet.   Fun fact:  Joe is ordained and will be doing Nick’s wedding, while TJ will be the best man.  Love that my kids can bless each other into adulthood!

As a mama of with half my kids grown, I am incredibly blessed to continue to see my kids friendships with each other flourish.  It is a treasure that on most Sundays they all come home to hang out with each other.  God is good!!!

How is your life?

Same routines?
new adventures?




“No Need to Be One of Those Weird Christians”

Those were the words in a comment, that stood out to me, while reading through a facebook post on Why Christians Should Celebrate Halloween.

Me?  I started cracking up laughing.
I guess I never really thought of us as a Weird Christian before,
but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was true!!

Now, obviously, I know we are different because we do not celebrate Halloween like most of our Christian peers.  After all, there is a popular compromise; do the fun stuff, avoid the evil stuff.  right?  ‘cept what I see is a gray line that is constantly able to waver.

We (my family, especially us parents) are known for Living our Faith Out Loud.
We choose to walk our talk, so to speak.

This makes us Weird. 
We commonly do not fit in,
even within our Christian Community,
and we are ok with that.

We judge not others, but we are responsible to respond to the Lord’s convictions for our family.

We love our fellow Christians as well as our hometown community of non-believers.  We interact well with them, work alongside them, cheering on games side by side, chatting at the local grocery stores, playing at parks, and all that small town stuff.  However, we are weird.  I admit it.

Weird; to be strange… abnormal… unusual.

That fits us!

Funny enough what we (my family) thinks is normal, is exactly what is abnormal about us.

Swearing, as an example.  We just don’t do it.  I wouldn’t swear in front of Jesus, and since His presence is always with us, well, the conviction is not to do it.  period.  However, my older children (adults) often see even youth pastors swear in casual conversations with them.   Is that bad?  Well, what does the Bible say about foul language?

Drinking… ah yes, this is as tricky as the Halloween controversy, eh?  Is it a sin to drink?  no.  Is it a sin to get drunk?  yes.  That seems black and white enough, right?  Nope.  Again, we are the rarity of people who choose not to drink alcohol, at all.    Why?   A couple of reasons.  One is draw a clear line for our own kids; drinking is not necessary.  Two, who are we to cause another to stumble, for we don’t really know who struggles with alcohol and/or addictions, right?  Three, because Jesus is enough.

Media/movies…  language, suggestive behavior, lewd humor, and shows that portray dad as stupid and mom as overtly sexy are all avoided.  Do you happen to know of that childhood song “oh be careful little eyes what you see” , and what you say, and what you hear, and what you do?  yeah, that pretty much sums up our perspective.

At church we are unusual.  and oh, we so love our church family!  They are some amazingly beautiful beings!  However, we are still weird.

My family likes being together, not segregated into different groups.  My teens would prefer to sit with us in service.  My younger kiddos will go to Sunday School, but they really wouldn’t mind sitting with us to hear our lesson either.

and Home Groups aka Life Groups?!

We really kinda don’t fit in there either!  Are you surprised?  LOL, yeah, me either.
So what’s different there?  simply just life style.
We have many kids.  Honestly that makes it hard to just crash someones house that’s already full of people for the Life Group, right?
We have littles, middles, teens, and adult children… a 20 year stretch from 1st child to last.  So our friends often either have young children or teen/adult children… so which Life Group should we choose?
Also, our kids like hanging with us, which is awkward to most adults.  We have a life group, and maybe a great conversation about baptism going on… my kids would love to sit and listen to that rather than run wild outside, be put in front of a movie, or simply stay home.  Is that strange?

So we may not be of the world, but we are most definitely in the world.  We are called to care, to love, to share, to shine His Light… and we embrace those who come across our path.

There is much wisdom in Matthew 7.  Starting out with “ Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.    Yes, we are one of those weird Christians, we live our faith out loud, doing what we are called to do…

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment. 

And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Let’s celebrate Independence Day!

…to celebrate freedom in this country.

Freedom to still do fireworks… although it is becoming a limited access opportunity.

Freedom to be a great dad…
while being aware of the fight for parenting.

Freedom to educate how we see fit~
as Katie creates ‘duct tape’ wallets with her friend in the process of learning money management.
She is house/pet sitting for our neighbor for a week.  The responsibility has been good for her.


Freedom to have any size family we want~
whether that is none or many…
personally I think we could have our own parade when we go on our family walks.  *smile*

Many freedoms should be treasured, although logically it should be a fundamental right:

The freedoms of religion, speech, press, to assemble and petition the government to remedy grievances.

The freedom to own firearms.

The freedom not to be forced to house U.S. soldiers during peace.

The freedom from police searches or seizures w/o warrant and probable cause.

The freedom of having rights when accused of crimes.

The freedom to trial and jury.

The freedom against cruel and unusual punishments or large fines

The freedom to respect other peoples rights (simplified in Sheri-style)

The freedom to have power divided evenly amongst all;
the legislative (Congress) for national laws, executive for presidential laws, and judicial for Supreme Court/federal court cases that arise under the laws.

We use this day, the fourth of July, to reflect on what the founding fathers established for this great nation, and for all those ‘average’ men who fought for these freedoms with an amazing courage.

On to another American topic:

Andy Griffith dies.  May his show (the Andy Griffith Show) continue to bless folks around the world by reminding us what ‘community’ is about, morals, family values, overcoming obstacles, patience, and respect of self and others.  Yes, indeed, this lost art of society shall be missed (and something to strive for).

Ok… I am off to enjoy this blessed day with my family.

The big boys are down at the church decorating for VBS
while I prepare some afternoon fun courtesy of Almost Unschoolers.

God bless you all,
and God bless America.

Mother’s Day Memo

Note to self:

Mother’s Day is not about what your kids can do for you…

it is about the gift of what you can do for your kids.

It is about the gift of humor:
to serenade a brother when he sleeps in a little too long.

It’s about the gift of a positive attitude:
to seek fun regardless of our abundance of northwest wet.

It’s about the gift of listening:
to take the time to hear each other.

It’s about the gift of moral standards:
to accept the overabundance of chaperons when your special friend is over.

It’s about the gift of love:
to accept each other as-is,
with all our talents, challenges, quirks, and personalities.

It’s about the gift of security:
to love their dad through all circumstances;
the good, the bad, and the seemingly always strange situations we find ourselves in…

So, yes, although my children will give me the gift of service
tomorrow while doing yard work and prepping gardens…

I will continue to appreciate the gift of Motherhood, and the 6 children I am blessed with!

I will live out loud the gift of faith:

“But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart
and a good conscience and a sincere

1st Timothy 1:5

as Christ has given us the greatest gift of all… eternal life.



Once again…

ONCE AGAIN... it is raining….
not sure if it will ever stop?
We are so use to our “northwest wet” that we actually consider it “liquid sunshine” at this point!

ONCE AGAIN… I am making my attempt to “Take care of Mama“.
It is going VERY well so far.  The withdrawal symptoms from Diet Coke was interesting.  Eating out, rare as that is, is interesting.  Not eating after my kids, ie leftovers, was an interesting habit to observe.  I decided I am not my children’s garbage disposal.  =)  Maybe we should get a puppy for the scraps?

ONCE AGAIN… dear m.i.l. has plotted 2 getaway schemes since her last a.w.o.l. moment.
This is becoming about a once a month adventure.  We are working really hard to get her finances in order so we can find a care facility that she would be comfortable in.  It is a strange feeling to pour out so much kindness to someone who is so miserably unhappy in our presence.  It is becoming a significant lesson for our children:

“Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.”
–Jesus, Matthew 5:48 The Message Bible

Let your gentleness be evident to all. 
Philippians 4:5

ONCE AGAIN... Bryson (3) is having more frequent temper tantrums.
So much frustration bottled up.  So much balancing between discipline and understanding.
This too shall pass, right?  :^/

ONCE AGAIN… I am switching up some school plans for next year.
Still praying through the process, but eager to share soon.  *smile*

ONCE AGAIN… I am in declutter mode!
I am totally enjoying following this sweet gal and her Desperate to Declutter series.
I figure while I am “decluttering” my body, I mine as well declutter this house!
I am getting at the point where it is almost necessary to either
a) bring someone in to help assist Grandma M.
b) a once a month housekeeper to get the deep cleaning done.
How much can be on one’s plate before it begins to spill everywhere, right?

ONCE AGAIN... I am being blessed beyond  my own worthiness.

*I had my super fabulous cousin come visit for a week end.  I couldn’t get away for her birthday, so she blessed me with a visit instead!  We have such vastly different lives, yet we connect so well!  She makes me smile!

*I was fortunate to spend a different weekend with my, uh, hmmm, let’s see if you can follow this, my step.mother.in.law.  She is married to Fred’s dad; she is so kind and gracious.  She decided she was not fond of me wearing my husband’s work clothes (yes, a ponytail, and work shirts was my staple appearance, nice huh?), and took me shopping for some new clothes!   This mama doesn’t go shopping, for myself anyways, so this was a very nice treat!

*I several personal mentors to help me through this new nutritious journey I have placed myself on.  So many lovely ladies to help guide my choices, share my struggles, encourage my efforts, & educate my ignorance.

*Not one, but two neighbor ladies who are graciously helping me begin my garden, which I haven’t even begun yet!  Once lady gave my onion starts and a tomato plant and is sharing her own journey of her garden process (I learn best by observation!), and the other lady has begun many different plant sprouts in her green house to share with me!  Oh my, I hope I don’t disappoint these ladies, lol.  My thumb is oh.so.not.green!

*I have a husband who loves me… me… fat or small, happy or cranky, silly or serious, tired or over-energetic, lazy or fruitful… he.just.simply.loves.me.  That is the biggest blessing of all!

ONCE AGAIN… grateful…

Even if I give away everything that I have and sacrifice myself, but have no love, I gain nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:3

or a more accurate translation for my circumstances…

So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.
–1 Corinthians 13:3 The Message

to be…

To be… embracing our weather! 

I know it’s been quiet around this little cyber place of mine.

The days are a bit of a blur lately.  This mama has a lot on her plate and needed some time to refocus my purpose (while still doing everything, mind you.  *wink*)

To bequiet.

needing the time to step back and listen.
Silence, meditation, prayer;
to seek guidance from the One who has laid out my days before me.

To be… balanced.

Trying to balance illness & needs with love & kindness.
Embracing Grandma M and all her moods and challenges,
while not letting it override the needs of the others in this home.
That is the tricky part… to rest in His plan.

To be… healthy.

After much prayer, I’ve decided that it is time to let go of my Diet Coke habit.
and to face my carb addiction.  oh my.
I’ll get back to you on this one *wink* ;
as I am on Day 4 of this newest journey,
I already feel less sluggish.

To be… planning.

Stalling on my garden plans.
just need to take a day off and encompass the process, eh?
Also pondering our school days… hmmm.

To be… grateful.

that our modest income is enough.
that our overall health is well.
that our kids, as individual as they are, have good relationships with one another.
that our home is a place of encouragement, even when we ourselves are discouraged at times.
that laughter & love fill our house, especially on the most busiest of days!

(His) grace is all you need.  (His) power works best in weakness.  So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 2 Corinthians 12:9


Mission Field anyone?

I come to a personal conclusion that “the Mission Field” is located right where you are at.

When I made the decision to let go of my old blog,
and begin this blog last summer,
it was a fresh start to new beginnings~

We had just moved for the 3rd time in 3 years,
and in the process of all these changes,
my husband & I became aware of our calling to the mission field.

We are fully aware that this calling has been a lifetime process,
and we are still in the works of traveling this narrow road towards where God is calling us…

And then I read this post that reclaims a resounding “yes” in my very being~
The Challenging Word

May I just encourage you that ‘Missions in our backyard” is not difficult?
It is simply a lifestyle; a way to live.

Often, folks in our neck of the woods, tend to wonder why we do the things we do…

Why we decided to have 6 children;
because it is the right thing to do for us.

Why I became a stay-at-home mom;
because it is the right thing for me to do

Why we homeschool our children; 
because it is the right thing to do for them

Why a relative with dementia is living with us for a season;
because it is the right thing to do for her.

Why I chose to homeschool a functioning autistic girl for 3/4 of this school year,
on top of all the other things I was doing;
because it was the right thing to do for her.

Why we added an extra big kid to our household, to guide & mentor,
when we don’t really have the room or finances to do it;
because it is the right thing to do for him.

God meets us where we are at,
uses our shortcomings and personal challenges,
makes our ordinary days become something extra-ordinary,
if we let Him.

Smile at the cranky cashier,
~we don’t know their story.

Reach out to a new attendee at your church,
~this may be their first or last attempt at this whole religious thing.

Encourage a frazzled mama of young ones,
~especially if you have been there, done that!

Make a weekly visit to a stay-at-home mama with no car,
~she will beam with appreciation to have another adult to talk to.

Speak up, without gossip, when a legitimate concern for a child’s well-being is a concern,
~the parent’s will value the information.

Open your home to be a safe place for teenagers to “hang out”,
~the laughter is priceless!

Offer to babysit… for FREE,
~it will become a gift paid forward.

Be a listening ear to someone’s troubles,
~sometimes being heard is all that is needed.

Come alongside and encourage someone with tough struggles,
whether divorce, a prodigal son, an addiction, etc,
~being a prayer warrior is worth more than you’ll ever know!

This is just a small list of how we live “Missions” out loud…

feel free to continue adding to this list… I would love to hear how others reach out in their own communities!


Blessings Come in Many Ways

Can I just brag on the sometimes little things that make the biggest difference?

Last week was a rough week, I admit it.  I was drowning in housework, emotions, caring, expectations, etc… and a wonderful friend came over with her two girls and swished, swiped, sprayed, scrubbed every nook and cranny of my downstairs!!  and it helped.  It helped clear my head, lowered my anxiety, and I felt like I was given a breath of fresh air… all because a friend took an hour out of her own busy day to come alongside me in my journey.

A neighbor has taken a liking to me, and came over today to show me how to make homemade meatballs.  Just for those who don’t know, I lack cooking skills, and frankly, am not fond of cooking.  But… I love easy can’t go wrong recipes!  *smile*

My wild child is finally beginning to smile again vs the screaming mess of transition that he was struggling with for the past 6 months!  He has even takin’ a new fondness for his sister, following her everywhere… cuddling, playing, & listening to her read.  Siblings bonding has to be one of the best gifts a mom can receive.

We were gifted a chest freezer recently AND it was half full of meat!  Which I was really grateful for this past week when the month seemed to outlast the money.  It gets better, for me, lol, as this same family randomly gave me a case of Diet Coke (yes, I know it’s not good for me, it is my weakness) that they just happened to have extra of, and I did the happy dance because I escaped the inevitable headache I was ready to endure for the week.  =)

Hidden Treasure~ having a husband who simply wants to see me smile.  Loves me beyond my flaws, both emotionally and physically.  A husband who listens, embraces my weak moments, and stands strong…seeking God all the more faithfully.  There is no better way to show me unconditional love.  and I am oh.so.grateful!

So what blessings have you received lately?  Better yet, what blessings are we being to others?  Sometimes a simple smile to a stranger is a gift, don’t ya think?




Remember this post?  Hidden Treasure

Now realize that dear husband rarely reads anything I write about here, unless prompted to, and I have no intention of prompting him to read that specific post, lol.

So imagine my surprise when he came home with these lovely flowers AND a card!
Really?  where does this come from?
not in trouble.
not a birthday,
nor anniversary.
no holiday.

Admittedly, I have had a few rough weeks.  Although knowing God is in control, it gets overwhelming at times when dealing with medical issues that have no resolve.  Knowing that you are doing all you can do, and it is not good enough.  To have the kids very aware of the challenges at hand, of someone we love, yet emotional needs get conflicted with physical demands of the every.day.ness.  Thus I had little sleep, felt a bit under the weather, and LOST it.  I can’t juggle everyones emotions and my own when running low on hope.  I was convinced that if I couldn’t keep it together, then the family would fall apart… and guess what?  The man stood firm, leaning on the rock of Christ, completely at peace with our circumstance, knowing full well that this is all in God’s plan for us.

uh, yeah, that’s not why I got flowers.

Later in the week I discovered that my own mom, who already has her own medical issues, had been having heart problems… and I had been too  busy wallowing in my own circumstances to even know this information.  and it was scary.  and I was sad.  and I got flowers.  random, huh?

Welcome to our New Place

We are still unpacking, so be patient with us as we settle this blog into place.

Our new name:

Along with recently moving for the 3rd time in 2 years,
and changing our blog from there to here, 
we are also entering a crossroads in our journey of faith. 

Our new normal is not feeling normal at all, more like exciting.

Fred & I know God is working some amazing plans into our future,
and we only need the courage to follow
as we go traveling the narrow road.