Our Curriculum 2014-2015

RC Mornings- independent work


1st grade- Abeka Arithmetic 1,
3rd grade- Abeka Arithmetic 2
Both younger boys will be working on math flashcards,
the main focus on addition and multiplication,
a secondary focus on subtraction and division.
7th grade- Saxon 6/5 (finishing book before moving on to 7/6)
12th grade- Saxon Algebra 1 & 2

U.S. History

1800’s- Mainly the Civil War and traveling Westward
RC history biographies, G.A. Henty novels, and Landmark series.


1st & 3rd grades-
penmanship via copy work,
and story outlining.

7th & 12th grades-
2 essays, 1 poem per week
Mon- rough draft
Tues- essay final
Wed- poetry
Thur- rough draft
Fri- essay final

Language Arts

1st & 3rd grades-
McGuffey Readers for grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary.
Prof “K” spelling (RC)

7th & 12th grades-
Will use their writing assignments as a tool for punctuation, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
RC English grammar review as necessary.


Will list specific books in our monthly goal posts.
Katie & TJ will read many classic books from the RC reading list
(along with some other lighter reads at times)


Afternoon Group Studies


New Testament
Voice of the Martyrs devotional
Do Hard Things


We will cover the solar system, earthquakes, volcanoes, oceans, weather, etc…

1st & 3rd graders-
ALL ABOUT books by Random House

7th & 12th graders-
They will study specific topics that come across while traveling the land of America via Picturesque America.
Resources will include The Geology Book, The Book of Knowledge, and 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.
Additional resources for all the kids together:
Ultimate Science Curriculum (astronomy, electricity, magnetism)

Foreign Language

1st & 3rd grades-
Flip Flop Spanish & French
ASL Signing Time

7th & 12th grader-
Pimsleur Approach (Spanish)

Secondary Electives

Katie, 7th grade- gymnastics, arts, and a braid, bun, & up-do specialist.
TJ, 12th grade- archery, dog training, & home maintenance 101.

Primary Basics

Bryson, 1st grade-
How to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
McGuffey Primer

Andrew, 3rd grade-
McGuffey 2nd Reader
Animal Pride series, then he begin the Arthur Scott Bailey books

4 thoughts on “Our Curriculum 2014-2015

  1. Hello! Just purchased RC & am excited to print everything! My sons are 14 in 8th, 12 in 6th, and 6 in K. My main concern/question is where do I start everyone? Do I truly start them off at the beginning of the book list or pick up where their reading level is? With lookng at credits next school year shouldn’t I stay with a History theme (world/ancient), etc? It’s hard to pull away from what I’ve only been taught by using text books, but I am ready and only need to see a clearer picture of exactly and only using RC. Hope I’m not confusing! I would gratefully appreciate any direction or suggestions you have.

    1. Hi, welcome to the RC journey! It is best to start as close to the beginning of the reading list as possible. Do not underestimate these vocabulary rich books, as they really are good for all ages. The older boys could probably get away with starting with the Tom Swift book series. As for history, there is a list available for the placing the history related books in chronological order. I choose to do this. This year was all about the 1800’s for us; between Civil War, Lewis and Clark, and slavery topics, that is a lot of reading. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail at sherihollinger@yahoo.com
      or message me on facebook (usually a quicker response). Happy homeschooling!

    1. I simply let them be responsible (with guidance) on things that need to be done around the house, such as:
      install a water purification unit, install a garbage disposal, clean gutters, fix toilets, replace light switches, paint, build decks, and light landscaping. Basically things they would need to know if they were on their own, so that they are better equipped to live independently when they are ready.

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