Blessings Come in Many Ways

Can I just brag on the sometimes little things that make the biggest difference?

Last week was a rough week, I admit it.  I was drowning in housework, emotions, caring, expectations, etc… and a wonderful friend came over with her two girls and swished, swiped, sprayed, scrubbed every nook and cranny of my downstairs!!  and it helped.  It helped clear my head, lowered my anxiety, and I felt like I was given a breath of fresh air… all because a friend took an hour out of her own busy day to come alongside me in my journey.

A neighbor has taken a liking to me, and came over today to show me how to make homemade meatballs.  Just for those who don’t know, I lack cooking skills, and frankly, am not fond of cooking.  But… I love easy can’t go wrong recipes!  *smile*

My wild child is finally beginning to smile again vs the screaming mess of transition that he was struggling with for the past 6 months!  He has even takin’ a new fondness for his sister, following her everywhere… cuddling, playing, & listening to her read.  Siblings bonding has to be one of the best gifts a mom can receive.

We were gifted a chest freezer recently AND it was half full of meat!  Which I was really grateful for this past week when the month seemed to outlast the money.  It gets better, for me, lol, as this same family randomly gave me a case of Diet Coke (yes, I know it’s not good for me, it is my weakness) that they just happened to have extra of, and I did the happy dance because I escaped the inevitable headache I was ready to endure for the week.  =)

Hidden Treasure~ having a husband who simply wants to see me smile.  Loves me beyond my flaws, both emotionally and physically.  A husband who listens, embraces my weak moments, and stands strong…seeking God all the more faithfully.  There is no better way to show me unconditional love.  and I am!

So what blessings have you received lately?  Better yet, what blessings are we being to others?  Sometimes a simple smile to a stranger is a gift, don’t ya think?



2 thoughts on “Blessings Come in Many Ways

  1. How wonderful, that you were ministered to. You give of yourself so much and I just wish I could do something for you too! You are an inspiration and encouragement to me. I pray that this week is a little more manageable and that God brings more wonderful angels to bless you.


  2. Such a darling pix of your little man! Brings back so many memories of twin boys climbing into the fridge! That smile…just adorable.

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